Tigs & Katti
Best friends looking for a quiet home together
Tigs (1 year, 9 months old) and Katti (1 year, 8 months old)
Both Male
Tigs (Ginger) and Katti (Tabby)
Can live with cats?
Tigs and Katti would like to be the only pets
Can live with dogs?
Tigs and Katti would like to be the only pets
Can live with children?
Tigs and Katti have potential to live with adults or alongside a family with quiet and respectful children, aged 10+
Requires outdoor space?
Access to safe, outside space
Current location
Ashford, UK
Reference number
24024 & 24025
Medical notes
Neutered, microchipped and first vaccinated
A little bit more
The second pair available for adoption this week are Tigs and Katti. They are best friends, who have come into HFC care because their owners were struggling to care for them alongside their three young children. Tigs, who is male, ginger and 1 year, 9 months’ old is the eldest and his friend Katti, who is tabby and also male, is 1 year, 8 months’ old.
Tigs, who is the more timid of the two boys, is described as being slightly lazy and “a little bit Garfield” by his owner. He has a unique purr and loves to catch flies. Katti, who is more adventurous, enjoys having his tummy rubbed.
Both cats used to spend their days outside and their evenings sitting with their owner, enjoying a fuss after the children had gone to bed. They were a little shy in their previous home, hiding away whenever their household became noisy or there were visitors to their home. Therefore, Tigs and Katti have potential to live with adults or alongside a family with quiet, respectful children, aged 10+. The boys will guard their territory and are frightened of dogs and would like to be the only pets in their new home.
We have taken Tigs and Katti into foster care in Ashford, Middlesex, where they are both settling in nicely, but have not been particularly playful so far.
Tigs and Katti had previously been neutered and microchipped and HFC has arranged for them to receive a first vaccination and preventative flea and worm treatment. They are now ready to meet potential adopters.
If your home is quiet and has safe outside space and you would like to offer a loving home to both Tigs and Katti, please indicate your interest in adopting them by completing our application form. Thank you.