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Affectionate boy who loves to play in his tunnel!


9 years, 7 months' old





Can live with cats?

Don would like to be an only pet

Can live with dogs?

Don would like to be an only pet

Can live with children?

Don would like his forever home to be with adults

Requires outdoor space?

Access, to safe, outside space

Current location

Aldershot, UK

Reference number


Medical notes

Neutered, microchipped and first vaccinated

A little bit more

Further to our Facebook post on 22 January, black cat, Don, is recovering well from his eye operation and he is scheduled to have his stitches removed this week.

9-year-old Don came into HFC care because his owner, who had sadly suffered a bereavement, no longer felt able to care for him. At that time, Don was suffering with an Entropian, which is where the eye lid rolls inwards and causes the lashes to rub onto the surface of the eye. This was uncomfortable for him and had sadly led to him fighting a number of infections.

Don has been convalescing in foster care in Aldershot, where he has built a special friendship with one of his Carers, standing on his chest at 7.00 am and looking lovingly at him to encourage him to get up and serve breakfast! Described as a sweetheart by his Carers, Don has already felt well enough to play in his tunnel, which is just a little snug for him! (see following video).

Don, who is initially a little nervous, would like his forever home to be with adults where he can enjoy being the only pet. Prior to his illness, he had enjoyed spending time outside, so he would like a home with a safe garden to enjoy once he has settled in.

Don has previously been neutered and microchipped and we have arranged for him to receive a health check, first vaccination and preventative flea and worm treatment.

If you would like to offer affectionate Don a loving forever home with you, please apply to adopt him by completing our application form.  Thank you.



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